Too Many Irons in the Fire

I think I may have to much going on. I'm trying to get Afternoon Delight revised to be available on Amazon and that has turned out to be a bigger chore than I expected. Judge Not is two-thirds of the way done and is being posted on the Royal Academy of Bards. I just realized that they don't have the two previous chapters connected to the last chapter and they don't have it listed under my author name so I'll have to drop them a note and get that fixed.

On top of those things, I'm revising Second Chances, which you can also find the original version of it on the Academy of Bards. And, I'm preparing for NaNoWriMo next month when I hope to write 50,000 words of The Circle of Confusion, the sequel to Suddenly. The ebook copy of that book is on sale for $2.99. So if you haven't gotten a copy yet, now is the time.

The deeper I get into Second Chances, the more I see how I've grown as a writer. For those of you who have read the original version, or are going to read the original version, and then read the new version when it comes out, I think you'll see the change too.


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