Judge Not coming along

I've been revising and rewriting parts of Judge Not. It's coming along very well. I can't wait to share it with you all.

I also have posted Treacherous Souls on Smashwords for those of you who have ereaders other than Kindles.

Smashwords has started a new author interview program. They have a list of questions and authors answer then as if they had been really interviewed. I hope you'll stop in and check out mine.

Here's a snippet from chapter two of Judge Not:

Ashley barely flinched when the leather straps hit her back. The Judge never hit her hard enough to draw blood, but she usually had bruises afterwards. The straps hit her again, and again she barely flinched. The Judge grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head back. "Am I not hitting you hard enough to get your attention?"

"I'm sorry," Ashley whispered. "I'm just having a hard time getting into this tonight." The Judge pushed Ashley's face into the pillow, turned around so she was sitting on Ashley's head, and slapped the leather straps across Ashley’s ass and the backs of her legs. That made Ashley flinch, the skin there was much more sensitive. It also brought her out of her thoughts and reminded her why she had to end things with the Judge.


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