Suddenly Final Edits In and On To Other Stuff

I turned in the final edits for Suddenly so it should be coming out on time on August 15, 2012.  I've also added a new segment to my other blog:

Now it's time to move on to other things. I'm going to finish reworking my short erotica story, Afternoon Delight. I'm hoping to have it available for purchase before the end of August. I'm also working on the follow up book to Suddenly, tentatively titled: The Circle of Confusion.  I am writing thoughts and pieces to it now but hopefully I'll write the bulk of the book during NaNoWriMo this November.

Please be sure to stop by my website: I'll be posting updates about Suddenly's availability and signings.  I'm going to be doing two signings in Nashville in October for sure and hopefully some other ones in September and December.


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