Counting down the days

I'm counting down the days to the release of my young adult lesbian romance, Suddenly on August 15th. Just 42 more days and the book will be available for all of you to read.  I'm also working on the next book that will be a companion book to Suddenly.  The lovable Jamie and P. J. will be in it with a new cast of characters, some of which have been introduced on my other blog, The Continuing Story of Jamie and P. J.

I'm hoping to get the next installment posted today on that blog. I know there are some of you out there who are excited to find out what will happen next.  Keep checking back here and at my website: for updates about Suddenly's release and other news. I'm going to be doing some book festivals and signings.  I'm also hoping to do a book tour. Exciting stuff going on so stay tuned!


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