Wedded Bliss

P. J. got used to Jamie having study groups at their apartment and tried not to get jealous everytime Jamie touched one of her friends.  Three of the girls; Kayla, Brandy and Lora, had become good friends with both Jamie and P. J. It wasn't unusual for all three of them to spend the weekend with Jamie and P. J., kind of like a college age slumber party. 

Jamie had become quite the wife since P. J. worked as well as went to school.  She had gotten to the point where she would get up and fix breakfast for P. J., make her lunch, and discuss what the evening meal would be.  P. J. was still surprised to come home most nights with dinner on the table or a plate fixed and in the refrigerator waiting for her if Jamie had an evening class or something else going on.

Things were so perfect, in fact, that P. J. was waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop.  It just seemed so easy.  Maybe things could really be this perfect for real, or maybe not.

Check back next week for the next installment of Jamie and P.J. continued...


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