Suddenly cont...Showing Jamie the Apartment.

“What are we doing here?” Jamie asked as P.J. pulled into a parking space at the apartment complex.

P.J. turned in her seat, she brushed a stray blond hair away from her face nervously. “What do you think about us living together?”

Jamie’s eyes widened, “Seriously?  I would love to live with you.” Reaching over and taking P.J.’s hand, “I would love to wake up next to you every morning and not just when we slip away and get a hotel.”

“Me too,” P.J. said and looked up at the windows of the apartment she’s leased a few hours earlier.  “So what do you think about this apartment complex?”

Raising a questioning eyebrow, Jamie looked around the grounds of the apartment complex, “It’s nice. Are you wanting to look at an apartment here?”

“Yeah, in fact I got the key to one earlier so we could take a look at them,” P.J.said, stretching the truth just a little.

Jamie smiled and opened her door. “Let’s go look at it.”

P.J. opened her door and got out of the Jeep too. She took Jamie by the elbow and led her up to the second floor. She paused in front of the door of the apartment.  I hope she likes this, she prayed to herself.  P.J. put the key in the lock, unlocked the door and pushed it open for Jamie.

Stepping inside, Jamie let out a little gasp. The living room was huge with a small kitchen separated from it by a long bar.  The windows looked out over the parking lot and let in a lot of light.  Jamie turned and smiled at P.J., “I love this light gray carpet and how big the living room is.

They went down the hall and P.J. turned on the light to the bathroom.  It have a tub and shower curtain, a single sink and toilet.  P.J. opened the door wide enough to step inside. “There’s shelves inside the wall to put the towels and stuff. she said as she showed Jamie the shelves in the wall .

“That’s cool,” Jamie said. “I love that it has a tub and not just a shower. I miss taking baths.”

Leaning in for a kiss, P.J. said, “Hmm, maybe we could take one together.”

Jamie kissed her back hard, “That would be awesome!”

P.J. took her hand and let her to the huge bedroom with a walk in closet.  “This room is big enough for a king sized bed.”

“It is, oh my God, this room is huge,” Jamie agreed, then went to check out the closet. “Oh my, this is a big closet. We could definitely get all our clothes in here.” Jamie put her hands on her hips and looked around the room. “It’s a shame we can’t afford anything like this.”

“What if we could afford it?” P.J. asked, putting her arms around Jamie and pulling her into her.  


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