Suddenly Sent Off And New Story Ideas In The Works

Under the Witness TreeI sent Suddenly, my young adult lesbian romance, off to another publisher this past week. Hopefully it will get published. The publishing process is much longer then people think it is.  I hate to think that it could be years before I see my book in print but that's the reality of it. Oh well, I've got my fingers crossed that this publisher will pick it up.

I've already got ideas for new stories.  I've had one adult lesbian romance going on in my head for about six years now and I'm just finally getting all the pieces for it together.  It's about an evangelist's wife who goes to South Africa on a mission who, along with some new lesbian friends,  and gets raped by part of a gang that is out to try to force all the lesbians in South Africa to become straight.  This is a horrifying thing that is really happening in South Africa. In fact, I was having trouble with what I wanted to happen to this woman on her mission to Africa because it was going to profoundly change her and when I heard about this I knew I wanted to include in in this story.  Partially because it will make for some serious drama in the story but mostly because more people need to be aware of this atrocity. Lesbians Subjected to Corrective Rape in South Africa is a must read article.  It's from 2009 but little to nothing has been done to change what's happening, despite international outcries.

The other story I'm playing with is another teenage lesbian romance about a young woman from Indianapolis who thinks her father quit his job and forced his family to move to rural Kentucky when he found out about his daughter's sexuality.  There is a lot more to the move and the young woman must learn to accept that there are more important things than herself. She must also learn that love can come from the most unexpected places.


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