Through This Together is Available on Kindle Vella!

Hi! How's everyone's summer going? Or winter, depending on where you live in the world. I hope everyone is keeping safe. This new Covid delta variation is making me nervous. I've been vaccinated, but I still worry that I could catch Covid and bring it home to my family members who are not vaccinated. Depending on how the numbers here in Kentucky start looking and depending on how nervous I get, I may go back to wearing my mask at work. Please keep safe out there! Speaking of Covid, I've released my new book, Through This Together , on the new Kindle Vella program. You can read the first three chapters for free, but apparently only if you live in the United States. I guess I didn't realize that when I put the book in the program. It really sucks because I know I have fans worldwide who might want to read this story. I have to leave the book in the Kindle Vella program for 30 days before I can expand it to the regular Kindle program. That means it will be the middl...