
Showing posts from September, 2019

Where Is The Fall

What's going on! It's not as quite as bad here in southern Kentucky as the picture above, but it feels like it. It's been weeks since we've had rain and the average temperatures have been in the low to mid-90s. It's fall for Christ's sake. Where are my cool mornings? It's supposed to be in the 50s in the mornings and high 70s in the afternoons. Our days have been starting in the upper 70s. It's just crazy. It may or may not be global warming. We missed the record high of 98 degrees for today, set back in 1953, by one degree.  For those of you going through menopause, or perimenopause, you know what I mean when I say this heat is killing me. I can't be outside for more than a few minutes. That's really bad for someone who is naturally an outside person. But, I've been sick this last week, so I wasn't going outside anyway. One of the joys of working with the public (I'm a librarian) is that you get exposed to everything that...

Where Does The Time Go

Being Super Busy I started writing this blog post on July 19th, and here it is September, and I'm just now getting back to finish it. I'm changing things because the original information is outdated.  I spent the summer working on my new young adult lesbian romance, working, and trying to spend time with my grandkids. I have three grandsons who live in Colorado, so I only get to see them during the summer. This summer was so crazy that I didn't get to spend much time with them, which sucks, but it's the way things go sometimes.  The grandkids my partner, Rosa and I are raising are back in school and doing lots of school stuff. My oldest grandson, Jacob, turned 15 this summer. I can't believe it. He's almost 6 feet tall and in marching band. My oldest granddaughter, Jazmyn, is 13 going on 23. Just praying all of us survive her being a teenager. My other grandson, Julian, that Rosa and I are raising is 6, and we are homeschooling him. Socializatio...