Chapters 9-12 Summaries

I'm posting Chapters 9-12's summaries today because they all deal with Jenna being in the hospital. And because this weekend is going to be super busy and I might not get a chance to post. I really appreciate everyone who visits my blog to read about this story. I hope you'll stay tuned in. Here are the chapter summaries: Chapter Nine Jenna wakes in the hospital in pain and confusion. She flailed her arms and legs trying to get up, but was quickly subdued and given a sedative to put her back to sleep. Dana Tamaski, the FBI agent assigned to watch over Jenna hopes it won’t be long before Jenna will be able to wake up and give them a description of the body she saw in the freezer. Chapter Ten Dana returned to Jenna’s hospital room the next morning to find that nothing had changed. The other agent assigned to watch Jenna, Ada Parsons and Dana discuss the fact that they need Jenna to be able to describe the body so they can tie Michael Matthews to a missing p...