Website Close To Done

I've been working on my website on and off over the past two weeks. It's just about done. I'll be tweaking to make it more user friendly. I'm not going to have posts on this new website like I did my other one. This website will be a stationary page for my readers to find information about my books, information about me, and where to connect with me. This blog will be my primary place to post updates about my writing projects and publication dates. This weekend my family and I will be in Port Orange, Florida to celebrate Easter with my older brother, who's ideal of celebrating Easter involves lots of wine and little religion. ;) Anyway, I will be taking notes and I'm sure coming up with ideas for stories. I'll be doing some writing while I'm down there on a new young adult romance I've been working on. I signed up for the April Camp NaNoWriMo so I'm going to try to get 50,000 words written this month, and that means I need to write at least ...