Happy Fall!

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. It runs neck and neck with Spring. I love the colors and the cooler air. I'm sure everyone who has dealt with the heat this last summer is ready for some cooler weather. Fall also makes me want to get outside more, so I've been doing a lot of yard work. I wish I could blame that on the reason for missing last month's blog post date, but it's not. I was torn about what to write last month, and before I knew it, it was October. Part of the problem was that I wanted to tell you all that I would have a new book coming out soon. Yes, I know I just released Through This Together , which I hope you will check out, especially if you're struggling with all the issues caused by Covid. Through This Together is a hopeful story about how a family can rally around each other during these challenging times. It is also available on Kindle Vella if you are interested in checking that out. The other part of the problem was that I...