Coming Soon! Still.

I'm running about a week behind on my posting schedule, and I'm still trying to wrap up my newest book, Through This Together. I'm on the 9th or 10th round of editing and ready to get it out there. It's going to be interesting to see what kind of feedback I get from this story. Even though the story has a young adult romance that I think is very sweet, my readers so far have thought the story was a bit dry. I guess we'll see after more reviews come in after I publish it. I'm shooting for the 4th of July, but we'll see if that happens. It's one of the nice things about self-publishing. I can change publication dates if I need to. Some of the books I've written have been very deep and a bit dark to some degree, but I'm ready to write something happy and light. I think we've all had enough darkness for a bit. I guess that's why I'm concerned about how well Through This Together will be received. It takes the reader through the pandem...