Being Safe at Home and Writing

Once again the time has gotten away from me. I didn't even realize that it had been almost two months since my last post, but this has been a very weird two months. I would never have imagined that the world would have ever shut down the way that it has. I'm sure no one thought we would be where we are right now. But, here we are, working our way through this crisis together. So, the last time I posted was before my newest young adult lesbian romance, Shelted by Love had come out. It's been out for almost two months now and already getting good reviews. Here's one of the most recent ones: " A great young adult story that will make you feel every emotions. Sheltered By Love is laced with drama, determination, hope, warmth and passion for the fur babies. Well written with very touching, heartbreaking moments and it has powerful characters. Highly recommended!" If you haven't had a chance to read Sheltered by Love yet, it's available ...