Goodreads Giveaway

Wow! This has been a very exciting 17 days since I released Building Love. It has done very well in the lesbian romance and lesbian fiction categories on Amazon and is selling like hot cakes. I am so thrilled. It had been a while since I'd released anything new so I was a bit worried about how it would be received, but so far everyone has said they have enjoyed the story. I'm running a Goodreads Giveaway. It started today and will go on until March 12th. I'm giving away 20 digital copies of Building Love, so if you haven't read it yet and want to get a free copy, here's your chance. So, what's next? A lot of things. I'm still trying to find an agent for Finding Jenna. I've set the time limit to a year. If I don't find an agent in a year, I'm going to self-publish the book myself. I really believe the story will have mainstream appeal and I just want to go through the experience of being traditionally published. But, if no one shows any...