We're Having A Baby

Good Evening! I've been working away on my new young adult lesbian romance during NaNoWriMo this month and I'm up to 35,690 words. I just wrote the scene where one of my main characters, Patty has her baby and, of course, her future love interest, Theresa is there for the birth. At this point they are not a couple yet. Theresa has had a crush on Patty for a long time, but Patty is just starting to realize that the friendship she and Theresa share feels like something more. Here's an excerpt and please keep in mind this is a very first draft, straight from my brain to the keyboard, no editing. Patty I woke to the smell of coffee and donuts. For a minute I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. Looking around the room and seeing Mom and Theresa talking, and then seeing Mattie sleeping in her crib, I realized I was in heaven. All the people I loved were in this room. I paused at that thought and looked at Theresa. Yes, I loved her. It was weird that I felt that way. We’...