The Perfect Proposal Chapter Three

“Stop grinning,” Ashley Jessup demanded. “What's the matter? Jealous?” Mary asked and grinned at her friend and coworker. She couldn’t help grinning, though. Jackie had been more attentive and loving this past week than she usually was, which was hard to imagine considering how loving and attentive Jackie was on a regular basis. Mary wasn’t sure what had inspired Jackie’s new insatiable spell, but she was not complaining. “No,” Ashley snapped and then sat down at her desk. “Well, maybe a little. Jean has been so busy starting her new practice that we haven’t had much time for…” Ashley looked toward the offices of the two law partners Mary and she worked for and then said in a low voice, “Well, you know.” Mary let her grin fade slightly and nodded. “You said that she has been working a lot of late nights.” “I’d be worried she was seeing someone else if she wasn’t working at home,” Ashley admitted. “I’ve been trying to help her as much as I can, but there’s not...